Quality Assurance

Mō tatou, ā mō kā uri ā muri ake nei
For us, and for our children after us

Our seafood is subject to extensive quality management and compliance systems to make sure our processes meet the high vessel safety, food processing, export and distribution standards.

Our facilities operate under a Risk Management Programme (RMP) that monitors and controls food safety. The RMP is regularly audited by our Internal Compliance team and externally by the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI).

Our vessels are also regularly audited by MPI to ensure food safety standards and overseas market access requirements are met.


Our fish is fully traceable from capture to distribution. We record where the fish was caught, the date it was caught, the boat that caught it, the species and weight, and when it was processed and frozen.


We are members of ISSF (International Seafood Sustainability Foundation), a non-profit organisation focussed on the long-term conservation and sustainable use of global tuna fisheries.

We are also members of Earth Island which helps foster leaders to achieve solutions to environmental crises.


From 2019 we started electronically reporting our catch and position to MPI. Now all catch data is available to MPI and us in real time meaning we can verify where and when the fishing occurred.

The government is currently consulting about installing on-board cameras in all commercial vessels. We support this initiative as another way of ensuring our fishery stays protected, healthy and sustainable.

Independent Observers

Every year we have MPI Observers onboard the vessels to confirm the fishing data we report is correct. The Observers also report on working conditions, environmental interactions with protected species, and fish biology.

We’ve always received very good feedback and reports from the Observers and are pleased our processes are independently checked.

Find out more about the Observer programme on the MPI website.

Sustainable fishing

Check out our policies on fishing sustainably and our responsibilities to act as guardians of our environment.

Sustainable Fishing